Monday, April 23, 2012

Shaping our future

One addition to the Lincoln zoo that really stood out to me of all of the children's playgrounds and more, was a big, metal, pretend lion that "talked to the children". It had a vacuum mouth and when the recording talked to the children it told them to pick up trash around the zoo and feed him. This is a very interesting way to get children involved and help out a small community. This is one small part of a very small community, helping shape the future. This big, metal lion can be the source of teaching our children how to be a productive member of society and become an essential part of a community as they grow older. Without things such as this talking lion, children would have less of an opportunity to actually learn how to be a part of a community. Watching their elders and how their parents behave is a huge part, but if you look deeper into the things around you in a community, you may find things such as this lion that are helping shape communities more subliminally.

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